All You Can Drill Download Free

Table of Contents

  • Writing the questions
  • Customisation
    • Spaced repetition algorithm


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Org-Drill is an extension for Org mode. Org-Drill uses a spaced repetitionalgorithm to conduct interactive 'drill sessions', using org files as sourcesof facts to be memorised. Each topic is treated as a 'flash card'. The materialto be remembered is presented to the student in random order. The student rateshis or her recall of each item, and this information is used to schedule theitem for later revision.

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Each drill session can be restricted to topics in the current buffer(default), one or several files, all agenda files, or a subtree. A singletopic can also be drilled.

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Different 'topic types' can be defined, which present their information to thestudent in different ways.

For more on the spaced repetition algorithm, and examples of other programsthat use it, see:

  • SuperMemo (see descriptions of the SM2, SM5 and SM8 algorithms)

Org-Drill has its own repository, which is updated more regularly thanthe bundled version. The repository is at:


The easiest way is to customise the variable 'org-modules' (M-xcustomize-variables RET org-modules) and make sure 'drill' isticked. Org-drill will then be loaded when you restart Emacs or restartOrg-mode.

For manual installation, put the following in your .emacs. You will also needto make sure that Org's 'contrib/lisp' directory is in the emacs load-path.


Open the file Press M-x and run the function org-drill. Followthe prompts at the bottom of the screen.

When the drill finishes, you can look at to get some idea of howdrill topics are written.

Writing the questions

Org-Drill uses org mode topics as 'drill items'. To be used as a drill item,the topic must have a tag that matches the value oforg-drill-question-tag. This is :drill: by default. Any other org topicswill be ignored.

Drill items can have other drill items as children. When a drill item is beingtested, the contents of any child drill items will be hidden.

You don't need to schedule the topics initially. Unscheduled items areconsidered to be 'new' and ready for memorisation.

How should 'drill topics' be structured? Any org topic is a legal drill topic– it will simply be shown with all subheadings collapsed, so that only thematerial beneath the main item heading is visible. After pressing a key, anyhidden subheadings will be revealed, and you will be asked to rate your'recall' of the item.

This will be adequate for some items, but usually you will want to write itemswhere you have more control over what information is hidden from the user forrecall purposes. For this reason, some other card types are defined, including:

A note about comments: In org mode, comment lines start with '#'. The rest ofthe line is ignored by Org (apart from some special cases). You may sometimeswant to put material in comments which you do not want to see when you arebeing tested on the item. For this reason, comments are always renderedinvisible while items are being tested.

Simple topics

The simplest drill topic has no special structure. When such a topic ispresented during a drill session, any subheadings are 'collapsed' with theircontents hidden. So, you could include the question as text beneath the mainheading, and the answer within a subheading. For example:

When this item is presented for review, the text beneath the main heading willbe visible, but the contents of the subheading ('The Answer') will be hidden.

Cloze deletion

Cloze deletion can be used in any drill topic regardless of whether it isotherwise 'simple', or is one of the specialised topic types discussedbelow. To use cloze deletion, one or more parts of the body of the topic ismarked as cloze text by surrounding it with single square brackets, [likeso]. When the topic is presented for review, the text within square bracketswill be obscured. The text is then revealed after the user presses a key. Forexample:

During review, the user will see:

The capital city of Estonia is […].

When the user presses a key, the text 'Tallinn' will become visible.

Clozed text hints

Clozed text can contain a 'hint' about the answer. If the text surroundedby single square brackets contains `||' (two vertical bars), all textafter that character is treated as a hint. During testing, the hint text willbe visible when the rest of the text is hidden, and invisible when the rest ofthe text is visible.


Type 1 hypersensitivity reactions are mediated by[molecule…]and [cell type…].

Two-sided cards

The remaining topic types all use the topic property, DRILL_CARD_TYPE. Thisproperty tells org-drill which function to use to present the topic duringreview. If this property has the value twosided then the topic is treated asa 'two sided card'. When a two sided card is reviewed, one of the first twosubheadings within the topic will be visible – all othersubheadings will be hidden.

Two-sided cards are meant to emulate the type of flipcard where either side isuseful as test material (for example, a card with a word in a foreign languageon one side, and its translation on the other).

A two sided card can have more than 2 subheadings, but all subheadings afterthe first two are considered as 'notes' and will always be hidden during topicreview.

In this example, the user will be shown the main text – 'Translate this word'– and either 'la mujer', or 'the woman', at random. The section 'Examplesentence' will never be shown until after the user presses a key, because it isnot one of the first two 'sides' of the topic.

Multi-sided cards

The multisided card type is similar to twosided, except that anysubheading has a chance of being presented during the topic review. Onesubheading is always shown and all others are always hidden.

The user will be shown the main text and either 'la mesa', or 'the table',or a picture of a table.

Multi-cloze cards

Often, you will wish to create cards out of sentences that express severalfacts, such as the following:

There is more than one fact in this statement – you could create a single'simple' card with all the facts marked as cloze text, like so:

But this card will be difficult to remember. If you get just one of the 4hidden facts wrong, you will fail the card. A card like this is likely tobecome a leech.

A better way to express all these facts using 'simple' cards is to createseveral cards, with one fact per card. You might end up with somethinglike this:

However, this is really cumbersome. Multicloze card types exist for thissituation. Multicloze cards behave like 'simple' cards, except that when thereis more than one area marked as cloze text, some but not all of the areascan be hidden. There are several types of predefined multicloze card:

  1. hide1cloze – one of the marked areas is hidden during review; the othersall remain visible. The hidden text area is chosen randomly at each review.(Note: this type used to be called 'multicloze', and that card type isretained as a synonym for 'hide1cloze'.)
  2. show1cloze – only one of the marked areas is visible during review; allthe others are hidden. The hidden text area is chosen randomly at eachreview.
  3. hide2cloze – like hide1cloze, but 2 marked pieces of text will be hidden,and the rest will be visible.
  4. show2cloze – like show1cloze, but 2 marked pieces of text will be visible,the rest are hidden.

There are also some types of multicloze card where some pieces have anincreased or decreased chance of being hidden. These are intended for use whenstudying languages: generally it is easy to translate a foreign-languagesentence into your own language if you have met it before, but it is muchharder to translate in the other direction. Therefore, you will want to testthe harder direction more often.

  1. hide1_firstmore – only one of the marked pieces of text will behidden. 75% of the time (guaranteed), the first piece is hidden; the restof the time, one of the other pieces is randomly hidden.
  2. show1_firstless – only one of the marked pieces of text will bevisible. Only 25% of the time (guaranteed) will the first piece will bevisible; the rest of the time, one of the other pieces is randomly visible.
  3. show1_lastmore – only one of the marked pieces of text will bevisible. 75% of the time (guaranteed), the last piece will be visible;the rest of the time, one of the other pieces is randomly visible.

So, for the above example, we can actually use the original 'bad' simple card,but change its card type to 'hide1cloze'. Each time the card is presented forreview, one of 'New Zealand', 'Wellington', 'the South Island' or '400,000'will be hidden.

User-defined card types

Finally, you can write your own emacs lisp functions to define new kinds oftopics. Any new topic type will need to be added toorg-drill-card-type-alist, and cards using that topic type will need to haveit as the value of their DRILL_CARD_TYPE property. For examples, see thefunctions at the end of org-drill.el – these include:

  • org-drill-present-verb-conjugation, which implements the 'conjugate'card type. This asks the user to conjugate a verb in a particular tense. Itdemonstrates how the appearance of an entry can be completely altered duringa drill session, both during testing and during the display of the answer.
  • org-drill-present-translate-number, which uses a third-party emacs lisplibrary (spell-number.el) to prompt the user to translate random numbersto and from any language recognised by that library.
  • org-drill-present-spanish-verb, which defines the new topic typespanish_verb. This illustrates how a function can control which of anitem's subheadings are visible during the drill session.

See the file for a full set of example material, includingexamples of all the card types discussed above.

Empty cards

If the body of a drill item is completely empty (ignoring properties and childitems), then the item will be skipped during drill sessions. The purpose ofthis behaviour is to allow you to paste in 'skeletons' of complex items, thenfill in missing information later. For example, you may wish to include anempty drill item for each tense of a newly learned verb, then paste in theactual conjugation later as you learn each tense.

Note that if an item is empty, any child drill items will not be ignored,unless they are empty as well.

If you have an item with an empty body, but still want it to be included in adrill session, put a brief comment ('# …') in the item body.

Running the drill session

Start a drill session with M-x org-drill. By default, this includes allnon-hidden topics in the current buffer. org-drill takes an optionalargument, SCOPE, which allows it to take drill items from othersources. See below for details.

During a drill session, you will be presented with each item, then asked torate your recall of it by pressing a key between 0 and 5. The meaning of thesenumbers is (taken from org-learn):

QualitySuperMemo labelFail?Meaning
0NULLYesWrong, and the answer is unfamiliar when you see it.
1BADYesWrong answer.
2FAILYesAlmost, but not quite correct.
3PASSNoCorrect answer, but with much effort.
4GOODNoCorrect answer, with a little thought.
5BRIGHTNoCorrect answer, effortless.

You can press '?' at the prompt if you have trouble remembering what thenumbers 0–5 signify.

At any time you can press 'q' to finish the drill early (your progress up tothat point will be saved), 's' to skip the current item without viewing theanswer, or 'e' to escape from the drill and jump to the current topic forediting (again, your progress up to that point will be saved).

After exiting the drill session with 'e' or 'q', you can resume where you leftoff, using the command org-drill-resume. This will return you to the itemthat you were viewing when you left the session. For example, if you are shownan item and realise that it is poorly formulated, or contains an error, you canpress 'e' to leave the drill, then correct the item, then pressM-x org-drill-resume and continue where you left off.

Note that 'drastic' edits, such as deleting or moving items, can sometimescause Org-Drill to 'lose its place' in the file, preventing it fromsuccessfully resuming the session. In that case you will need to start a newsession.

Multiple sequential drill sessions

Org-Drill has to scan your entire item database each time you start a new drillsession. This can be slow if you have a large item collection. If you have alarge number of 'due' items and want to run a second drill session afterfinishing one session, you can use the command org-drill-again to run a newdrill session that draws from the pool of remaining due items that were nottested during the previous session, without re-scanning the item collection.

Also note that if you run org-drill-resume and you have actually finished thedrill session, you will be asked whether you want to start another drillsession without re-scanning (as if you had run org-drill-again).

Cram mode

There are some situations, such as before an exam, where you will want torevise all of your cards regardless of when they are next due for review.

To do this, run a cram session with the org-drill-cram command (M-xorg-drill-cram RET). This works the same as a normal drill session, exceptthat all items are considered due for review unless you reviewed them withinthe last 12 hours (you can change the number of hours by customising thevariable org-drill-cram-hours).


From the Anki website,

Leeches are cards that you keep on forgetting. Because they require so manyreviews, they take up a lot more of your time than other cards.

Like Anki, Org-Drill defines leeches as cards that you have 'failed' manytimes. The number of times an item must be failed before it is considered aleech is set by the variable org-drill-leech-failure-threshold (15 bydefault). When you fail to remember an item more than this many times, the itemwill be given the :leech: tag.

Leech items can be handled in one of three ways. You can choose how Org-Drillhandles leeches by setting the variable org-drill-leech-method to one of thefollowing values:

Leech items are tagged with the leech tag, but otherwise treated thesame as normal items.
Leech items are not included in drill sessions.
Leech items are still included in drill sessions, but a warningmessage is printed when each leech item is presented.

The best way to deal with a leech is either to delete it, or reformulate it sothat it is easier to remember, for example by splitting it into more than onecard.

See the SuperMemo website for more on leeches.


Org-Drill has several settings which you change usingM-x customize-group org-drill <RET>. Alternatively you can change thesesettings by adding elisp code to your configuration file (.emacs).

Visual appearance of items during drill sessions

If you want cloze-deleted text to show up in a special font within Org modebuffers, add this to your .emacs:

Item headings may contain information that 'gives away' the answer to the item,either in the heading text or in tags. If you want item headings to be madeinvisible while each item is being tested, add:

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Duration of drill sessions

By default, a drill session will end when either 30 items have beensuccessfully reviewed, or 20 minutes have passed. To change this behaviour, usethe following settings.

If either of these variables is set to nil, then item count or elapsed timewill not count as reasons to end the session. If both variables are nil, thesession will not end until all outstanding items have been reviewed.

Saving buffers after drill sessions

By default, you will be prompted to save all unsaved buffers at the end of adrill session. If you don't like this behaviour, use the following setting:

Sources of items for drill sessions (scope)

By default, Org-Drill gathers drill items from the current buffer only,ignoring any non-visible items. There may be times when you want Org-Drill togather drill items from other sources. You can do this by changing the value ofthe variable org-drill-scope. Possible values are:

The current buffer, ignoring hidden items. This is the default.
The subtree starting with the entry at the cursor. (Alternatively youcan use M-x org-drill-tree to run the drill session – this willbehave the same as org-drill if 'tree' was used as the value ofSCOPE.)
The current buffer, including both hidden andnon-hidden items.
The current buffer, and any archives associated with it.
All agenda files.
All agenda files with any archive files associatedwith them.
All files with the extension '.org' in the same directory as thecurrent file. (The current file will also be included if itsextension is .org)
(file1 file2 …)
A list of filenames. All files in the list will bescanned.

Definition of old and overdue items


Org-Drill prioritises overdue items in each drill session, presenting thembefore other items are seen. Overdue items are defined in terms of how far inthe past the item is scheduled for review. The threshold is defined in termsof a proportion rather than an absolute number of days. If days overdue isgreater than

and is at least one day overdue, then the item is considered 'overdue'. Thedefault factor is 1.2, meaning that the due date can overrun by 20% before theitem is considered overdue.

To change the factor that determines when items become overdue, use somethinglike the following in your .emacs. Note that the value should never be lessthan 1.0.

After prioritising overdue items, Org-Drill next prioritises youngitems. These are items which were recently learned (or relearned in the case ofa failure), and which therefore have short inter-repetition intervals.'Recent' is defined as an inter-repetition interval less than a fixed number ofdays, rather than a number of repetitions. This ensures that more difficultitems are reviewed more often than easier items before they stop being 'young'.

The default definition of a young item is one with an inter-repetition intervalof 10 days or less. To change this, use the following:

Spaced repetition algorithm

Choice of algorithm

Org-Drill supports three different spaced repetition algorithms, all based onSuperMemo algorithms. These are:

an early algorithm, used in SuperMemo 2.0 (1988), which remains verypopular – Anki and Mnemosyne, two of the most popular spaced repetitionprograms, use SM2. This algorithm stores an 'ease factor' for each item,which is modified each time you rate your recall of the item.
SM5 (default)
used in SuperMemo 5.0 (1989). This algorithm uses 'easefactors' but also uses a persistent, per-user 'matrix of optimal factors'which is also modified after each item repetition.
an experimental algorithm based on the SM8 algorithm. SM8 is usedin SuperMemo 8.0 (1998) and is almost identical to SM11 which isused in SuperMemo 2002. Like SM5, it uses a matrix of optimalfactors. Simple8 differs from SM8 in that it does not adapt thematrix to the individual user, though it does adapt each item's'ease factor'.

If you want Org-Drill to use the SM2 algorithm, put the following in your.emacs:

Random variation of repetition intervals

The intervals generated by the SM2 and SM5 algorithms are prettydeterministic. If you tend to add items in large, infrequent batches, the lackof variation in interval scheduling can lead to the problem of 'lumpiness' –one day a large batch of items are due for review, the next there is almostnothing, a few days later another big pile of items is due.

This problem can be ameliorated by adding some random 'noise' to the intervalscheduling algorithm. The author of SuperMemo actually recommends this approachfor the SM5 algorithm, and Org-Drill's implementation uses his code.

To enable random 'noise' for item intervals, set the variableorg-drill-add-random-noise-to-intervals-p to true by putting the following inyour .emacs:

Adjustment for early or late review of items

Reviewing items earlier or later than their scheduled review date may affecthow soon the next review date should be scheduled. Code to make this adjustmentis also presented on the SuperMemo website. It can be enabled with:

This will affect both early and late repetitions if the Simple8 algorithm isused. For the SM5 algorithm it will affect early repetitions only. It has noeffect on the SM2 algorithm.

Adjusting item difficulty globally

The learn fraction is a global value which affects how quickly the intervals(times between each retest of an item) increase with successive repetitions,for all items. The default value is 0.5, and this is the value used inSuperMemo. For some collections of information, you may find that you arereviewing items too often (they are too easy and the workload is too high), ortoo seldom (you are failing them too often). In these situations, it ispossible to alter the learn fraction from its default in order to increase ordecrease the frequency of repetition of items over time. Increasing the valuewill make the time intervals grow faster, and lowering it will make them growmore slowly. The table below shows the growth in intervals (in days) with somedifferent values of the learn fraction (F). The table assumes that the item issuccessfully recalled each time, with an average quality of just under 4.


To alter the learn fraction, put the following in your .emacs:

Per-file customisation settings

Most of Org-Drill's customisation settings are safe as file-localvariables. This means you can include a commented section like this at the endof your .org file to apply special settings when running a Drill session usingthat file:

You can achieve the same effect by including the settings in the 'mode line'(this must be the first line in the file), like so:

In either case you will need to save, close and re-open the file for thechanges to take effect.

Coping with large collections

If you keep all your items in a single file, it may eventually get verylarge. The file will be slow to load, and Emacs may have troublesyntax-highlighting the file contents correctly.

The easiest steps to solve this problem are:

  1. Move your file into its own dedicated directory.
  2. Divide the file into two or more smaller files.
  3. Within each file, set org-drill-scope to 'directory'. SeeNo description for this link above for instructions about how to do this.

Sharing, merging and synchronising item collections

Every drill item is automatically given a persistent unique 'ID' the first timeit is seen by Org-Drill. This means that if two different people subsequentlyedit or reschedule that item, Org-Drill can still tell that it is the sameitem. This in turn means that collections of items can be shared and edited ina collaborative manner.

There are two commands that are useful in this regard:

  1. org-drill-strip-all-data - this command deletes all user-specificscheduling data from every item in the current collection. (It takes thesame optional 'scope' argument as org-drill to define which items willbe processed by the command). User-specific data includes scheduling dates,ease factors, number of failures and repetitions, and so on. All items arereset to 'new' status. This command is useful if you want to share youritem collection with someone else.
  2. org-drill-merge-buffers - When called from buffer A, it prompts you foranother buffer (B), which must also be loaded into Emacs. This commandimports all the user-specific scheduling data from buffer B into buffer A,and deletes any such information in A. Matching items are identified bytheir ID. Any items in B that do not exist in A are copied to A, inthe same hierarchical location if all the parent headings exist, otherwiseat the end of the buffer.

An example scenario:

Tim decides to learn Swedish using an item collection (.org file) madepublically available by Jane. (Before publishing it Jane used'org-drill-strip-all-data' to remove her personal scheduling data from thecollection.) A few weeks later, Jane updates her collection, adding new itemsand revising some old ones. Tim downloads the new collection and imports hisprogress from his copy of the old collection, using 'org-drill-merge-buffers',using the new collection as buffer A and the old one as buffer B. He can thendiscard the old copy. Any items HE added to HIS copy of the old collection(buffer B) will not be lost – they will be appended to his copy of the newcollection.

Of course the sharing does not need to be 'public'. You and a friend might belearning a language or some other topic together. You each maintain a cardcollection. Periodically your friend sends you a copy of their collection –you run org-drill-merge-buffers on it, always using your own collection asbuffer B so that your own scheduling progress is carried over. Other times yousend your friend a copy of your collection, and he or she follows the sameprocedure.

Incremental reading

An innovative feature of the program SuperMemo is so-called 'incrementalreading'. This refers to the ability to quickly and easily make drill itemsfrom selected portions of text as you read an article (a web page forexample). See the SuperMemo website for more on incremental reading.

Much of the infrastructure for incremental reading is already provided by OrgMode, with the help of some other emacs packages. You can provide yourself withan incremental reading facility by using 'org-capture' alongside a package thatallows you to browse web pages either in emacs (w3 or emacs-w3m) or in theexternal browser of your choice (org-protocol).

Another important component of incremental reading is the ability to save yourexact place in a document, so you can read it incrementally rather than allat once. There is a large variety of bookmarking packages for emacs whichprovide advanced bookmarking functionality: see the Emacs Wiki for details.Bookmarking exact webpage locations in an external browser seems to be a bitmore difficult. For Firefox, the Wired Marker addon works well.

An example of using Org-Drill for incremental reading is given below. First,and most importantly, we need to define a couple of org-capture templates forcaptured facts.

Using these templates and org-protocol, you can set up buttons in your webbrowser to:

  • Create a task telling you to read the URL of the currently viewed webpage
  • Turn a region of selected text on a webpage, into a new fact which is savedto whichever file and heading you nominate in the template. The fact willcontain a timestamp, and a hyperlink back to the webpage where you createdit.

For example, suppose you are reading the Wikipedia entry on tuberculosis here.

You read the following:

The classic symptoms of tuberculosis are a chronic cough with blood-tingedsputum, fever, night sweats, and weight loss. Infection of other organs causesa wide range of symptoms. Treatment is difficult and requires long courses ofmultiple antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem in(extensively) multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis. Prevention relies on screeningprograms and vaccination, usually with Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine.

You decide you want to remember that 'Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine' is thename of the vaccine against tuberculosis. First, you select the `interesting'portion of the text with the mouse:

The classic symptoms of tuberculosis are a chronic cough with blood-tingedsputum, fever, night sweats, and weight loss. Infection of other organs causesa wide range of symptoms. Treatment is difficult and requires long courses ofmultiple antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem in(extensively) multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis.Prevention relieson screening programs and vaccination, usually with Bacillus Calmette-Guérinvaccine.

Then you press the button you created when setting up org-protocol, which isconfigured to activate the capture template 'w: Capture web snippet'. Theselected text will be sent to Emacs, turned into a new fact using the template,and filed away for your later attention.

(Note that it might be more efficient to turn the entire paragraph into a drillitem – since it contains several important facts – then split it up intomultiple items when you edit it later in Emacs.)

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Once you have had enough of reading the article, save your place, then go toyour 'fact' file in Emacs. You should see that each piece of text you selectedhas been turned into a drill item. Continuing the above example, you would seesomething like:

You need to edit this fact so it makes sense independent of its context, asthat is how it will be presented to you in future. The easiest way to turn thetext into a 'question' is by cloze deletion. All you need to do is surround the'hidden' parts of the text with square brackets.

You can of course define browser buttons that use several different 'fact'templates, each of which might send its fact to a different file or subheading,or give it different tags or properties, for example.


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Disk Drill Pro Key Features

  • Disk Drill Patch makes a deep scan for newly deleted data.
  • Offers robust data recovery and recovery algorithm for restoration.
  • Enables you to recover lost files from internal and external hard drives.
  • It helps you to recover files from accidental deletion and data loss.
  • Disk Drill 3 recovers internal and external drives, damaged flash drives and memory cards.
  • The interface is straightforward and allows the recovery algorithm.
  • This restoration or file recovery program retrieves lost data from different storage devices.
  • Supports both windows and mac.
  • Retrieve data from a USB drive and memory card.
  • You just have to install disk drill and then data retrieval will be automatically done.
  • Moreover, recovers removed files within seconds.
  • Protects data and system files.
  • Moreover, recover casually deleted files from local drives.
  • Disk Drill Activation Code permits you to pause, stop, or resume the restoration process.

What’s New in Disk Drill Pro?

  • Deep Scan new.BRAW (Blackmagic raw video format).
  • CinemaDNG container for D.N.G. raw photos.
  • Deep Scan.
  • Fixed and improved FAT32/NTFS recovery substantial FAT32 and NTFS recovery.
  • Improved scan session management.
  • U.I. improved post-recovery navigation.
  • Fixed freezing randomly when loading files from Recovery Vault.
  • Fixed occasional crashes when scanning ExFAT partitions.

Is Disk Drill safe?

Yes, Disk Drill is safe and secure to use. It doesn’t change your local hard disks. Scanning of your disks is 100% safe with this application. This software restores as well as recover your lost files efficiently.

Is Disk Drill safe for Mac?

Yes, it is secure and safe for your Mac as any other built-in data recovery tool. This tool is completely free from any virus, but you need to be careful when formatting disks. Other than this, it is completely safe.

Is Disk Drill free?

Yes, Disk Drill is entirely a free data recovery software for Windows and Mac. With Disk Drill Free Version, you can recover only 500MB of your lost data. Besides, you can backup, preview recovery method as well as undelete secured data files. You can also download Disk Drill Pro Full Version from PiratesFile.

How to use Disk Drill?

  1. Download Disk Drill Windows or Mac from below.
  2. After installation, run the software. It will display you all of the drives found in your PC.
  3. Select the particular driver that contains the deleted files and then click the Recover option.
  4. Now, a new window will show all the discovered files found in that drive that was deleted.
  5. Look for you file which you wanted to recover. Furthermore, you can also recover all the data or information by simply checking boxes to make sure that no data or file is missed.
  6. With a bit while the recovery task finished. Enjoy!

Disk Drill Pro Activation Code





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Disk Drill Pro Product Key









How to uninstall Disk Drill?

  • First of all, click on start menu and then click on settings.
  • Now click on the app option.
  • Finally, click on App & Features and then select the disk drill and then uninstall it.

How to uninstall Disk Drill from Mac?

If you have a Mac, then uninstalling software can be hard for you if you are not familiar with Apple products. If you think you think moving a program to Trash will end your job, then you’re mistaken. Disk Drill Mac install many low-core modules for effective data recovery and data protection. With the following step-by-step guide, you can remove Disk Drill for Mac from your Desktop or MacBook.

  • First, launch the Disk Drill data recovery software.
  • Click on Disk Drill on the top right of the menu bar.
  • Click on Preferences.
  • Select the General option and then click on the Remove Disk Drill box to remove the software completely.

How to recover deleted files using Disk Drill?

You can restore your deleted files with the help of Disk Drill. The following step-by-step guide will show you how to recover files using this data recovery software.

  • Launch the application.
  • Select and locate the drive (from where your files were deleted).
  • Now select the “Search for lost data” option and scan for deleted data files.
  • Check the recoverable data and choose which one you want to recover or restore.
  • Click on the “Recover all” option if you want to recover all the files.

What is Disk Drill Smart Monitoring?

Disk Drill Smart Monitoring is a feature that informs you about hard drives health and also if something is going wrong. It lets you monitor file activity on disks. This live monitoring is so advanced that if something goes wrong, it will alert you in real-time.

How to get rid of Disk Drill SMART Monitoring?

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If you’ve uninstalled the program by just deleting the software in the recycle bin. Then you should download the latest version of Disk Drill, then uninstall the software by the above-mentioned procedure. First of all uninstall the Disk Drill properly from the control panel which will delete S.M.A.R.T. Monitoring as well as FUSE plugins.

Disk Drill Pro System Requirements

  • Operating System: Supports Windows operating system 7, 8 and also 10
  • Support Mac OS
  • Intel processor or later
  • 512 MB of RAM required
  • 100 MB of free hard drive space needed
  • 1024×768 display resolution

How to Crack & Activate Disk Drill Pro?

  • First of all, you may uninstall the old version with IObit Uninstaller Pro
  • Then, download the Disk Drill Pro Latest Version with Internet Download Manager
  • Disable real-time protection or firewall
  • Then, unzip the file (using WinRAR) and install it
  • Do not run the program
  • Now, copy-paste the crack file to the installation folder
  • Restart your P.C.
  • All done!
  • Enjoy!

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You Can Download Disk Drill Pro Crack + Activation Code Free From The Link Given Below…

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