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Because Hacktag is basically a cute, top-down casual version of Clandestine, and yes – it’s actually a pretty good game. When you first boot the game up, you’ll have to create a character. The humanoid animals on file range from cute to adorable, and come in both male and female versions. Hacktag is a cooperative, two-player cooperative stealth game where you and your partner work together to infiltrate corporations and steal valuable data without getting caught. Both players are required to work together to complete the mission as quickly as possible. There is no single player mode – every puzzle must be solved with a partner.

Hacktag is a fast-paced 2-player co-op stealth-game with an asymmetric gameplay. Play as the stealth-agent on the field or as the virtually-infiltrated Hacker and work together to carry out espionage missions where nothing goes as expected!

As the stealth-agent on the field or as the Hacker, virtually infiltrated and cooperate to fulfil industrial espionage missions together to takedown corporations.In 2029, in a parallel world, you are a mercenary who secretly accomplishes missions for corporations struggling for leadership. To succeed you will have to team-up by 2 and infiltrate corporations simultaneously in two ways:


Hacktag Review

  • As the stealth agent, infiltrating the level with an isometric 3d view and a fast infiltration gameplay with a rewarding arcade feeling.

  • Or as the hacker infiltrating virtually the same level with a holographic blueprint vision and moving on a virtual network to interact with the cameras, doors, phones or coffee machines…


The whole Hacktag experience is designed to make the players feel like they are spy or heist movie heroes.

  • Online and local multiplayer: play separately or share the same screen.
  • Solo mode: handle the roles of the agent and the hacker in a schizophrenic & frantic gameplay.
  • Original asymmetrical gameplay and co-op mini-games: deactivate alarms, unlock doors or jails together in stressful situation 3 corporations, 3 types of missions and 24 levels.
  • “Co-opetitive' gameplay: as mercenaries, your partner is also your best competitor!
  • 3 corporations, 3 types of missions and 24 levels.
  • Experience and unlockable skills: gain levels and choose new active or passive skills.
  • Online challenges, ranking and leaderboards.
  • Character creation: customize your character with more than 360 unlockable items.
  • Unique story for each player: experience Hacktag’s story with your own NPCs.
A term used by hackers when releasing massmessages to other hackers
Dude 1: man, did you send out the message to hack Trump?
Dude 2: Yeah, its called Hacktag(#) Operation Demoralize Trump
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When you steal someone else's phone and send random hashtags to their contacts. #ipoopedmyself
Mark left his phoneunattended and got hacktagged by Cheryl

Hacktag Sisters

Get a Hacktag mug for your father Vivek.
To use someone else'sphone to send / post weird hashtags to other people
Mark had his phone hacktagged when he left his phone unattended. #ipoopedmyself
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